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Zhejiang "555 machine replacement" special action plan for enterprises ushered in

Release time:2023-01-05 Number of views:360

OFweek Robot network news: In Jiaxing Port area, enterprises in the Chemical and new materials Park have realized 100% automatic control of the production process; In Jiaxing Ruihong Precision Machinery Co., LTD., purchasing advanced manufacturing equipment such as comprehensive processing center has been technological transformation, forming an annual output of 300 industrial robot arm (set) production capacity...... In Jiaxing, some traditional manufacturing enterprises with high risk and high intensity and labor-intensive enterprises are in intensive transformation and upgrading, replacing manual labor with machines. Some of them have been effective.

Last year, Jiaxing City enterprise "machine replacement" three-year special action ended. From 2013 to 2015, Jiaxing achieved fruitful results in the enterprise "machine replacement" work. This year, how will Jiaxing further promote the "machine replacement" work? Reporters learned from the Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology that the special action plan of Jiaxing 2016 "machine replacement" was recently released (hereinafter referred to as "Plan"), which makes a general plan for the work of "machine replacement" in Jiaxing this year.

Three years of special actions have yielded fruitful results

The news that AlphaGo, an intelligent robot developed by Google, defeated world champion Lee Se-dol in the game of Go has become a hot topic in recent days. Whether machines can replace human beings and help human beings develop in many ways is of great concern to everyone.

In the field of industrial production, Jiaxing began to take "machine replacement" as the starting point in 2013, and took the promotion of industrial transformation and upgrading as an important strategic measure to improve Jiaxing's economy. In particular, it intensified the modernization technology transformation focusing on enterprise "machine replacement" to promote the transformation of manufacturing mode and the improvement of development quality. To this end, Jiaxing City also set up a special "machine replacement" office and issued the "Jiaxing City on carrying out" machine replacement "three-year action plan.

By 2015, the three-year special action came to an end, and all assessment indicators were successfully completed. From 2013 to 2015, the city completed the technological transformation investment of 209.55 billion yuan, a total of 4,839 projects (4,224 enterprises implementing the technology transformation), the total investment of 140.6 billion yuan, 123.3%, 483.9% and 175.8% of the original plan completed respectively. Equipment manufacturing, electronic information industry, new energy industry, textile and garment industry and leather industry were the key industries in the three-year special campaign, involving 418 key projects with a total investment of 54.69 billion yuan.

Municipal Economic and Information Commission said that by the end of 2015, industrial enterprises above designated size reduced the number of workers by 226,700, and the per capita output value further increased.

In addition to purchasing equipment, some enterprises independently develop special equipment through innovation. The reporter learned that Zhejiang Runqiang Medical Equipment Company through independent research and development and purchase of various kinds of automation equipment, to the infusion pump, filter, anesthesia kit, puncture needle and other main products of the production line for technical transformation, reduce the number of workers 430 people after the project put into production, there will no longer be high-tech enterprises using the "crowd tactics" backward production scene.